
Darkest dungeon switch case
Darkest dungeon switch case

darkest dungeon switch case

You can also turn this camera effect off in the menu if you don’t like it as well. Without needing to make dozens of unique animations on each character to keep the game feeling fresh, they made each attack feel satisfying with this simple trick of the camera. This is done simply by having the camera zoom in on the characters involved in the attack quickly and pausing at the moment of impact to emphasize it.ĭoing this makes each attack feel satisfying and indicates that this was a case of excellent resource management on the part of the devs. However, in combat, this is somewhat different and it perfectly accentuates the art style and depravity of the situation with out being overly complex. Overall, the art style is really well done and the characters stand out, but walking around isn’t very exciting since the characters don’t have very complex moving animations. I absolutely love the way attacks unfold in Darkest Dungeon. The camera zooms in dramatically on each attack.

Darkest dungeon switch case